
What is SCLS ?

SCLS, for "Simple C++ Libraries Set", is a sets of C++ library, which means to make C++ development almost as easy as in Python.
The main goal of the library is to be simply used, implemented, downloaded and reviewed.

It targets mainly beginners or even seniors who don't want to develop some very simples and general things. For the simplest parts, the part is only header-only. For the most advanced libraries, you will needs some others libraries.

What the ressources ?

SCLS uses some dependencies in the parts. Even if they are more detailed in each parts documentations, here a list of the used ressources, listed by type.

Here the used C++ libraries :
  • Glad : a very practical C++ library to make OpenGL multi platform easily, see this website for more informations.
  • GLFW : an usefull C++ OpenGL high-level Open Source library, see this website for more informations.
  • GLM : a very usefull C++ library, to do some complex math easily, see this website for more informations.
  • ZLib : a cool Open Source C++ compression library, see this website for more informations.
  • Here the used softwares :
  • Code::Blocks : a cool C++ Open Source IDE, see this website for more informations.
  • GCC : one of the most used C++ Open Source compiler, see this website for more informations.
  • Visual Studio Code : used to write the web pages and the documentation, see this website for more informations.
  • Here some usefull website to learn about used things in SCLS :


    SCLS Foundation "Leonhard"

    The foundation of SCLS project is in this collection of files.
    The current version of SCLS Foundation is 0.1.

    To have more informations, see the SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" page.

    SCLS Documentalist "Agatha"

    A very usefull helper to do documentation, created and used for SCLS.
    The current version of SCLS Foundation is indev 0.2.

    To have more informations, see the SCLS Documentalist "Agatha" page.

    SCLS Format "Mary"

    The format of the code used in every Aster System project, made for simplicity.
    The current version of SCLS Foundation is 0.0.

    To have more informations, see the SCLS Format "Mary" page.