SCLS Documentalist "Agatha"


What is SCLS Documentalist "Agatha" ?

SCLS Documentalist "Agatha" is a special part of the SCLS library. Indeed, it is not made more as a software than a real library. However, it is made to simplify the documentation, and it is Open Source. It has so its place here.
The current version is the indev 0.2 version. As the code source is not ready yet, only the description of what the library can do is provided.

The word "documentation" should be seen more globally that just what developers are used to see it. Indeed, even if its main goal is to simplify this vision of the documentation, SCLS Documentalist can also write any type of document.
To be more precise, it does not write the document, but format an human made document. It could be seen as a way to apply a format of writing to a text sample, without doing it manually.
The big advantage of this feature is that the time passed to do the formatting is gained and can be reuse to do a better writing, to upgrade the code, or to play Minecraft. It can also be automated to format a big number of document easily.
Actually, it can be used as a software or as a C++ library.
However, this version (indev 0.2) only works for simple C++ code and can't be used as a software.

The importance of SCLS Format "Mary"

SCLS Documentalist "Agatha" is made to take a dirty text, which can be code, explanation... and change it to a well documented text. To do that, it use a system of pattern of text. The user only have to enter the datas about something, and the library write correctly the text.

When we got this idea, we knewn that we would have to adapt the library to be compatible with the C++ code. However, convert a complex and dirty C++ code to something like that is complicated. So, we thought about a specific code format, easily readable by the library and by a human developer.
This format is called SCLS Format "Mary".

Others ressources

Here some others ressources about SCLS Documentalist "Agatha" :
  • The Github project : SCLS Documentalist "Agatha".
  • Content


    The currently documented version is the indev 0.2. However, as SCLS Documentalis is not ready yet to document clearly a project, this documentation is still human-made.
    The project is cutted in different parts, with each part in separated file. Here the list of each parts :


    SCLS Documentalist "Agatha" uses the GPL V3.0 licence, more informations in this website.
    You can change and upgrade it if you want. If you publish it, we would be strongly grateful if you could mention us, or contact us to make your upgrade an official upgrade.