SCLS Foundation "Leonhard"


What is SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" ?

SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" is the core library of the Aster System SCLS project. It unites a lot of core functionnality to use each others SCLS libraries. It is name "Leonhard", after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, also known as one of the "Father of the modern mathematics". For now, the library is at its version .

What to do with SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" ?

If you're are new with C++, you can learn from this library. As the creator of the library, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you to watch the code and learn from it. It is made to be simple to read and user-friendly. If you know well C++, you can watch the code too, but it's certainly not the better code you have watched in your life.

Others ressources

Here some others ressources about SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" :
  • The Github project : SCLS Foundation "Leonhard".
  • Content


    The library is avaible on Google Drive, here.

    It is made to be EXTREMELY easy to use. When you download the .zip, you can extract datas from it. You will find a file "scls_foundation.h" and a directory "scls_foundation_directory". You just have to put this two files in the same directory and include "scls_foundation.h" with :

    #include <scls_foundation.h> // If you put it in the same path as the compiler include
    #include "scls_foundation.h" // If you do not put it in the same path as the compiler include

    After that, you will be able to use the library.

    For more informations, check the documentation. If you have any problem with the library, do not hesitate to contact us at the email :

    As the SCLS project is fully Open Source, we do not share this project for money. However, if you want to support us, for what we would be very grateful, you can donate on paypal with this link : make a developer happy.
    Please ONLY donate if you're sure that you want to support us.


    The current documented version is the version. Each SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" functions / classes / ... uses the "scls" namespace, to be separate from the rest of your program and easily usable. SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" is cutted in differents files, each ones having a specific usage.
    Here a list of each files (version 0.1) :


    SCLS Foundation "Leonhard" uses the LGPL V3.0 licence, more informations in this website.
    You can change and upgrade it if you want. If you publish it, we would be strongly grateful if you could mention us, or contact us to make your upgrade an official upgrade.