Simple text processing
Simple manipulation
SCLS Foundation provide some mid-level text manipulation.
The tools are made to be simply used, and can be un-built-in C++ algorithm, or built-in C++ algorithme simplified.
Some very commun concept are avaible in SCLS,
like text splitting,
text content analyse...
Format a text
In some context, you need to properly format a text, to correctly use it.
SCLS offers some tools to do some specific (but commun) formatting.
For example, you can format a number to a text with format_number_to_text,
or even format tabulations with format_string_tabulations().
Handle text encoding
Let's be honest, in C++, you can handle text encoding with the locale system.
However, this is not the simplest way to do, and you can't properly use std::string with it.
To simply handle encoding in C++, SCLS provides some usefull features.
The main one aims the UTF-8 encoding.
To use it properly, you can use the to_utf_8() function.
You can even revert the encoding, with to_utf_8_code_point().
Simple manipulation
std::string char_array_to_string(const char* c_a, unsigned int c_a_size)
Convert a char array "c_a" (with "c_a_size" characters) and returns it in a std::string.
bool contains_string(std::string str, std::string part)
bool contains_string(std::string str, std::string part, std::string out_of)
bool contains_string(std::string str, std::string part, std::string out_of_start, std::string out_of_end)
Returns if the std::string "part" is present in the std::string "str".
If "out_of" is used, then the research won't be done between two occurences of "out_of".
If "out_of_start" and "out_of_end" are used, then the research won't be done
if an occurence of "out_of_start" is detected, until an occurence of "out_of_end" is detected.
unsigned int count_string(std::string str, std::string part)
unsigned int count_string(std::string str, std::string part, std::string out_of)
unsigned int count_string(std::string str, std::string part, std::string out_of_start, std::string out_of_end)
Counts and returns the number of occurences of "part" in "str.
If "out_of" is used, then the research won't be done between two occurences of "out_of".
If "out_of_start" and "out_of_end" are used, then the research won't be done if an occurence of "out_of_start" is detected, until an occurence of "out_of_end" is detected.
cut_string(std::string str, std::string cut, bool erase_blank = false, bool erase_last_if_blank = true)
scls_var member_content
std::string join_string(std::vector strings, std::string separation = "")
Join each strings in "strings" in a single string, separated by the string "separation".
std::string lowercase_string(std::string str)
Put each char in the string "str" in lower case.
std::string replace(std::string str, std::string to_replace, std::string new_str)
Replace each occurences of "to_replace" in "str" by "new_str".
bool string_is_number(char to_test)
bool string_is_number(std::string to_test)
scls_var member_content
double string_to_double(std::string str)
Convert the string "str" to a double, and return it.
Text formatting
std::string format_number_to_text(double number_to_format)
Format the number "number_to_format" in a pretty std::string.
Returns the string "str", with each possibles breaks lines (like characters 10 and 13 ASCII) with a new break line "nea_break_line".
Returns the std::string "str" formatted, with the break lines erased.
Returns the std::string "str" with the tabulations (like 9 character ASCII) replaced by "new_tabulation".
std::string format_string_as_plain_text(std::string str)
Returns the un-formatted std::string "str" as a plain text std::string.
std::string format_string_from_plain_text(std::string str)
Returns the plain text std::string "str" to an unformatted text.
Returns the std::string "str", with the comments part removed.
However, if a "out_of" occurence is detected, the research of comments to remove is suspended until the next occurence of "out_of".
std::string remove_space(std::string str)
Returns the std::string "str", with each spaces removed.