Debugging with SCLS
Debug with the console
The most used way to debug a code is to use "std::cout", and cout everything cout-able in your program.
To help you while doing this method, SCLS provide some enhanced debugging tools, to spot quickly the possibles errors.
The system is very inspired by Python, with a main debugging function called "print".
More than a simple print, it allows you to know who and where the print is throwed, for your debugging,
or for user debugging (for library, software...).
template inline void print(std::string type, std::string sender, Type_To_Print message)
Prints (with "std::cout") the message "message" from any type, with "sender" as sender and "type" as type.
This function only prints something if "can_print()" returns true.
inline bool can_print()
Returns if the program is allowed to print something with the "print" function.